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We Are Poisoning Our Water Ways Every Day

Updated: Dec 5, 2019

Global climate change has increased ocean temperatures significantly since 1970.

This fish was taken from Chesapeake Bay in waters polluted by municipal sewage treatment, high volumes of farm manure runoff, and automotive castoff in roadway drainage.

This is definitely not healthy food.

Similar diseased organisms are found in every estuarial drainage pool. The Gulf of Mexico Delta of the Mississippi River south of New Orleans is a dead zone. In Ohio, people are cautioned not to eat fish from Lake Erie more than twice a year.

In the 1950s, the oceans of the world supplied a huge volume of fresh fish of all varieties to feed millions around the world. Over-fishing, nuclear disasters, the ubiquitous plastic refuse found everywhere and the maltreatment of our precious waters as sewage disposal systems have forever altered the safety of ocean food.

Global climate change has increased ocean temperatures significantly since 1970. This has affected the immobile sea life such as coral in places from Florida’s John Pennekamp ocean park to the Barrier Reefs of Australia. Coupled with the vast amounts of pollution spread over the face of the earth, hundreds of marine species are becoming extinct. Scientists in South Florida have discovered concentrations of bacteria and viruses that were unknown a few decades ago.

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